During our last post, we began a discussion about blended families. If you are currently navigating a divorce or have recently finalized one, you may or may not be thinking ahead to the possibility of marrying again in the future. But whether this option is on your mind now or will be at some point down the road, it will hopefully comfort you to know that kids and teens can benefit in numerous ways from being a part of a blended family.
As we previously noted, it is important to understand that research strongly supports the idea that kids and teens tend to thrive in homes where their parents are happy and healthy. If a future union supports your health and happiness, it may therefore benefit your child in this way directly.
Additionally, being part of a blended family may help your child to learn that families evolve and change over time. Family is not simply a structure one is born into. It is also something that an individual creates for himself or herself. Similarly, blending families will teach your child that you have needs and desires independent of your children. Sometimes it is difficult for children to understand concepts that do not revolve around them. However, you ultimately provide your children with a positive role model when you go after what you want and need in life.
Finally, being part of a blended family would allow your child to be exposed to different social challenges and benefits. When he or she is exposed to yet another kind of parenting, sibling relationships and family structure, your child will likely learn how to become more flexible and resilient with time.
Source: The Huffington Post, “8 Things Kids Learn From Growing Up In A Blended Family,” Brittany Wong, May 29, 2015