In part two, I discussed that in a contempt of court action imprisonment can be requested as a sanction based upon a party's failure to follow a court's order. Jail is one of the harshest sanctions that a court can impose, and a person may be represented by a...
Mediating Conflict,
Embracing Peace
Contempt Of Court
Contempt of court – jail as a sanction (part 2)
In my previous contempt of court blog post I discussed that a judgment is one of the remedies that can be ordered if an individual fails to pay a court ordered support obligation. Other contempt sanctions can also be requested or imposed. In a motion for contempt of...
Contempt of court – what is a judgment (part 1)
A contempt of court motion can be filed whenever someone intentionally disobeys a court order. The element of whether or not someone intentionally failed to follow a court's order is shown by proving that person acted in bad faith. In one of my divorce cases, the...