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Parenting Plan: Creating a winter break schedule (part 1 of 4)

If you are familiar with the term “parenting plan,” you may have already met with a lawyer to discuss one. A parenting plan creates a residential or visitation schedule that the child has with each parent and includes sections for school breaks or vacations (winter, spring, summer), holidays and birthdays. This post focuses on the winter break.

The parent that the child primarily resides with is known as the “primary residential parent” or “custodial parent. The other parent is called the “other parent,” “nonprimary residential parent” or “noncustodial parent.” The language from Washington’s current form parenting plan reads “Prior to enrollment in school, the child(ren) shall reside with the [ ] petitioner [ ] respondent, except for the following days and times when the child(ren) will reside with or be with the other parent.”

The winter break tends to be broken up into two parts. One parent has the first half of the break, and the other parent has the second half. The parents alternate the first and second half of the break on odd/even years. For example, “In odd numbered years, the children shall reside with mother for the first half of the Winter Break. In even numbered years, the children shall reside with father for the second half of the Winter Break.”

This is part one of a four part series on creating a winter break schedule. Part two discusses designating an exchange day and start and end times to determine the first and second half of the break. AKIONA LAW, PLLC makes the information and materials on this blog available for general informational purposes only. The information provided is not intended to be legal advice. See DISCLAIMER.
