Mediating Conflict,
Embracing Peace

In a divorce, leave the paperwork to your attorney

A recent article suggested that couples going through a divorce should start first with conversations about the emotional side of this life transition, rather than the paperwork. 

That’s not to suggest that complex legal issues aren’t often raised by divorce, such as property division of the marital estate, child custody determinations, and spousal or child support. However, an attorney that focuses on family law and divorce can attend to that side of things, ensuring that legal documents are executed and properly filed with the divorce court. 

If a couple has children, it might be easiest to first consider the children’s emotional needs. Since even divorcing parents want the best for their children, focusing on the children’s needs might be a way to start communications without fear of dredging up old fights. From that starting point, couples may be able to transition into a simple conversation about how the divorce will financially impact them, given that expenses and other cost-saving efficiencies will no longer be present in their post-divorce separate households.

A divorce conversation might go so well, in fact, that a couple might be able to have an amicable or uncontested divorce. Even then, however, it is best to have an attorney review the divorce paperwork. Although such papers can be found online, they do not adequately explain all of the long-term issues that a divorce attorney is able to spot from his or her experience. In addition, an attorney is a great ally in the event that unanticipated disputes do arise during the divorce. 

To learn more about an attorney’s role in an amicable divorce, check out our uncontested divorce page. 
