Mediating Conflict,
Embracing Peace

Washington residents may wish to reconsider mediation

For Washington residents who find that they no longer wish to be married, determining how to go through with divorce is likely a decision they do not take lightly. They may want to explore their options for various proceedings, such as litigation or mediation, and decide what may work best for their circumstances. For some, mediation may be a viable option, but it may not be the most popular choice.

Depending on when the divorce is taking place, some individuals may not have spoken to each other in some time. Therefore, the idea of coming together to share personal information regarding finances and other aspects may put some individuals off. They may feel that they should not have to divulge such information to their soon-to-be ex unless expressly ordered.

Some parties may also feel that they cannot work well enough with their spouse in order to come to amicable negotiations. The idea of putting forth effort in order to come to terms may seem like an insurmountable task to parties who have dealt with an argumentative spouse. However, mediators could help in these negotiation efforts by remaining an impartial third-party, and successful mediation could lay the ground work for future co-parenting if it applies to the couple.

Though mediation may not seem like the popular choice, it could be worth giving a full consideration. Washington residents may find that this option could be less costly and give them more control in their divorce. Of course, each case is different, and individuals should move forward with the process that they feel best suits their needs.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Five Reasons Why Divorce Mediation Isn’t More Popular“, Betsy Ross, Oct. 20, 2015
