Mediating Conflict,
Embracing Peace

How to have a more private divorce

So many things that you thought were private get aired out in a divorce proceeding. Tax returns, financial statements and even details on infidelities. A significant amount of personal and financial information will be publicly available. It is all too much and often proves embarrassing.

What can you do to ensure some privacy when your marriage disintegrates, and you experience divorce? An effective way to do so is the collaborative divorce route, which provides so many other benefits besides keeping matters more private. You also avoid the court system.

Collaborative divorce route

Collaborative divorce represents one of the ways to ensure privacy. Each spouse has their own attorneys present to help reach an out-of-court settlement. These negotiations and discussions on everything from child custody and division of assets to spousal support and child support occur in private conference rooms or via video conferencing.

Because the conversations occur outside of the courtroom, they are not a matter of public record. Your privacy is assured. Remember, a litigated divorce – one that goes through the court – is a matter of public record. Anyone may enter the courtroom and go to the clerk of court’s office to review the files.

Collaborative divorce is a process that falls somewhere between mediation and litigation. Only attorneys who have completed training in the collaborative divorce process may participate.

Other benefits of collaborative divorce

Along with providing you with a private divorce process, collaborative divorce provides other benefits that include:

  • Control is in your hands: You and your estranged spouse lead the discussions.
  • Cost savings: Without the courtroom setting, expenses will be lower.
  • Time savings: Since you lead the discussions, you want to see a quick resolution. You are not beholden to a judge’s calendar

The benefits are many in collaborative divorce, especially if you want to keep the details of your divorce private.

Maintaining your privacy

Your privacy has always been important to you in all matters of your life. Now, that you and your spouse have separated, you want to hold that same privacy standard for your divorce. Collaborative divorce is an option to strongly consider.
