Mediating Conflict,
Embracing Peace

Yes, You Can Have a Cooperative Divorce

Unfortunately, your marriage plans did not work out as you had hoped, and now you are ready to move on. So, what’s next? The legal divorce process presents many challenges and frustrations that can be daunting. However, you can minimize complications by using coordinated problem-solving solutions.

While some couples require extensive legal interventions to solve disagreements, others can file an uncontested divorce because they have few disputes. If you and your spouse fall in the middle of that spectrum, you may benefit from a collaborative divorce.

What Is Different About a Collaborative Divorce?

A traditional divorce process involves many time-consuming court appearances where a judge determines the settlement decisions. Conversely, a collaborative divorce involves you and your partner working together, with the assistance of legal professionals, to resolve disputes and reach an agreement that benefits both of you.

How Does a Collaborative Divorce Work?

This divorce structure lets you have private mediation sessions to discuss and determine settlement terms. It is a cooperative method in which you and your spouse negotiate conflicts with the help of lawyers and other experts. There is no one-size-fits-all family law solution. Your case is unique and requires individualized plans. This approach enables you to address your needs and concerns outside the courtroom.

What Does the Process Involve?

Typically, a cooperative divorce involves the following steps:

  • Enlisting the help of professionals
  • Setting goals that address your needs
  • Collecting necessary information
  • Attending mediation sessions
  • Finalizing your settlement in court

When you work with a law firm that cares, you can reduce the inevitable stressors of divorce and create a fair agreement that protects your future.
