The financial aspects of divorce proceedings may be a main focus for many Washington residents. Finances can be affected by legal costs, alimony, property division and child support, if the couple have children. Determining just how a person will be affected...
Mediating Conflict,
Embracing Peace
Child Support
Unpaid child support could mean jail time in Washington
Falling behind on child support payments is an issue that can plague many Washington residents. Unfortunately, if the payments are not made as required, they could face severe punishment, including jail time. It was recently reported that authorities in another state...
Child support modification may interest Washington parents
Many Washington residents know that celebrities are not immune from facing family problems. Even if celebrity couples divorce, they may still encounter issues surrounding child support that they would like to address. Recently, it was reported that Katie Holmes may be...
Washington parents may be concerned over missed child support
Many single Washington parents rely on child support from their ex-spouses. These payments can often help ends meet when it comes to making purchases for the needs of their children. If child support payments are not being made, however, parents could face...
Budgeting could help Washington residents with child support
Divorce can completely change a person's life. In many circumstances, Washington residents have become accustomed to the lives that they lead with their spouses, children, income and other lifestyle aspects. After a couple separates, individuals will likely want...
Child support – what happens if you fail to pay in Washington?
When someone fails to make court ordered child support payments, does not pay spousal maintenance or alimony, or fails to follow a parenting plan that person can be found in contempt. Contempt is intentional disobedience of any lawful judgment, decree, order, or...