Determining Child Support In Everett And Snohomish County

At Akiona Law, PLLC, we can represent you in any child support matter, from the initial determination of child support to modifications and enforcement of support orders. We understand your needs and will provide you with compassionate, one-on-one representation throughout your legal matter.
Our attorneys also know that child support determination or modification can be contentious. You can avoid that battle if you can work with your co-parent to agree on an amount that is sufficient for the children and fair to you. Speak with us about collaborative divorce or family law mediation today.
From Everett, Washington, and Seattle and King County, we can help you through the child support process. If you want experienced representation in your child support case, please contact us online or call our office at 425-740-2209, to schedule an initial consultation.
Giving Clients Answers For Complex Child Support Matters
We are happy to provide you with personal legal attention for any child support matter, including:
- Determining paternity prior to seeking child support
- Determination of payments
- Identification of income for child support
- Modification of child support orders
- Collection of back payments for child support
We understand that the issue of child support is one of fairness, and we will work with you to come up with a plan that is fair and equitable to both parties. Child support should be considered neither a punishment nor a benefit, but rather an agreement between two parents who want to do what is best for their children and ensure that they are well cared for.
Determining The Amount Of Child Support
There are numerous factors that courts will consider in determining the amount of child support a parent will pay or receive, including:
- Parental income
- The amount of time the child spends with each parent
- Health insurance costs
- Special needs of the child
State child support guidelines will take these factors into account. As experienced child support lawyers, we can go over the facts of your situation and tell you how the guidelines will apply to your case.
Modifying Child Support
Life is always in a constant state of change, and when things change, a modification to child support payments may be in order. We can take a look at your child support plan and help you determine whether a modification may be in order. Modifications may be necessary if:
- There is a substantial change in either parent’s income
- A parenting or child custody plan changes
- There are extraordinary medical expenses for either the parent or the child
- There are changes in education expenses
Our team knows that child support issues can be stressful for both parents. We will work to minimize the stress and help you focus on what is best for your children.
In child support cases, men can often feel like their rights are not taken into consideration by the court. We believe that equal consideration should be given to both men and women when it comes to family relationships. Regardless of which side you fall on in a support case, you can count on us to advocate for your rights.
Call Us For An Initial Consultation
As our client, you can expect to receive personal, one-on-one attention. If you are facing an issue regarding child support, please contact us online or call our office at 425-740-2209 for an initial consultation.